Home >> Lost Photographs of History >>Thomas Jefferson and James Madison at Monticello
Lost Photographs of History – James Madison and Thomas Jefferson at Monticello
4th U.S. president and the shortest, James Madison stands beside the “Sage of Monticello,” 3rd U.S. president Thomas Jefferson all decked out in top hats. Had photography existed at that time; perhaps this is how a photo of Madison and Jefferson might have looked.

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. Background Image of Monticello by JamesDeMers from Pixabay.
The photo is a Photoshop composition using the faces of Madison and Jefferson taken from their life masks. The life masks were cast from plaster molds of their heads in 1825 by J. I. Browere.

Before and after Photoshop reconstruction of the life masks of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

Source: Pinterest
Shadows were added to their faces to give the impression of a real top hats placed upon their heads. Jefferson’s eyes were changed slightly to give the appearance of looking directly into the camera.

Close of View of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. Background Image of Monticello by JamesDeMers from Pixabay.
The close-up view reveals a slight blur. I added blur since the suit Jefferson is wearing was blurred in the original image. The photo was also sepia-toned to look aged.

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson at Monticello in Color. Background Image of Monticello by JamesDeMers from Pixabay.